Installing a CCTV video surveillance system is an important way to help keep people and property safe. These high-quality commercial camera systems can provide definitive proof of the incident and evidence of the event. There are several ways to keep your CCTV footage safe.
Changing your password regularly is important. This is first point of security to protect your CCTV footage. It is recommended not to use any personal information in a password that anyone can easily guess. The most effective way is using a combination of letters, numbers and special characters and make sure your password is strong.
Updating system’s software is vital when protecting your personal footage. If the software is outdated, vulnerabilities can become increasingly more exposed and also if you have any devices that store your footage, it is important to keep the security software up to date.
Cloud storage is not always the best option for storing important, personal data as you may be opening up to a number of risks. Your footage can become vulnerable to hacks against your business or personal data. Always remember to limit to a small number of people having access to the footage, as well as control who can see the recordings, and make sure that the system is only used for the purpose.
While the vast majority of people would protect their CCTV systems physically, it is vital that you do not neglect your security footage. Constant vigilance mixed with security intelligence is a powerful combination. By working with vendors that put security as their top priority, you can know that both the indoor and outdoor security cameras are protected against evolving threats.
Forward-thinking companies are increasingly looking for revolutionary solutions to strengthen the safety and productivity of their operations. Using the latest technology standards to unlock the potential of computer vision, modern video security providers will be the ones that help your customers solve real-world business problems.